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Feature Enhancements
•Causal Tracing Diagrams have been expanded to include triggers, actions, entities, and collections
•New facility for modification of Sub-Collection Key Attributes
Performance and Usability
•Improved error checking for conditional expressions
•Trigger conditions and process list conditions are checked to make sure that they are Boolean expressions.
•Processed List Collection referencs are checked to make sure that a valid collection or sub-collection is referenced.
•Context messages for generated code have been improved for some items in order to help the user identify the model error.
•Update generated code version to utilize null propagation, using a more efficient method for dealing with null references values resulting from model data or logic. When such an error is encountered, the equation returns a value of Double.NaN (not a number).
•Updated our software technology from several vendors.
Bug Fixes
•Optimization, Sensitivity and GIS setup controls
•Other minor issues
•Documentation of action components, including surrogates and references
•Improved explanation of the GetCategory function
•New section on units
•New section on Excel initialization data
•Improved GIS visualizer documentation
•New section on the 3D visualizer
This is basically a stable release; the "beta" status reflects low-likelihood known issues and incomplete release notes.
Release 4.8 is primarily an under-the-hood upgrade, with enhanced performance and functionality supporting use of large models in embedded systems. Contact us if this application is of interest.
There are also bug fixes and minor usability improvements, including:
oOptimization setup improvements.
oFix for issues with the undo/redo stack.
oMulti-slider interface improvements.
oExclusion of system variables like noise seed from optimization setups.
Digital signing in the installer has been improved, which resolves issues with failure of the application to start up.
This build contains a variety of improvements to interface and simulation engine components. New features include:
•Circularity checking is now lest strict, to permit entitytypes to self-reference where hierarchies are useful, as in project or supply chain models. Potential circularities cause a user-controlled warning at compile time, and actual circularities cause a run-time error.
•New distribution functions.
One major feature, not visible to most users, is enhanced support for the Windows Service and embedded uses of Ventity. Contact Ventana for details.
There are many minor improvements and bug fixes.
•Better display of iterations in sensitivity runs.
•Consistent sizing of pinned charts and sliders.
•GIS visualizer provides for tooltips with embedded variable and attribute values.
•Optimizer resists stalling on NaN payoff values.
•Improved random seed control and display in sensitivity runs.
•"Save As" fully copies the model's Data directory.
•Lookups show (0,0) crossings.
•Function documentation improved.
This is primarily a behind-the-scenes release with performance upgrades and a few bug fixes, but it also introduces some new Process List action features that make selection of random entities faster and easier. Bug fixes and minor improvements include:
•Process list sorting for Random() order.
•Display of Calendar Time on visualizers.
•Random number control improvement.
•Fixed DelayInformation with entities injected after initial time.
•Improved unit checking for lookups.
This is an engine upgrade and bug fix release.
•Improved sequence of calculations during the entity initialization phase, particularly in Create actions.
•Permit use of DelayInformation in actions.
•Improved units checking.
•Minor corrections to autocomplete.
•Bug fix for Initial() function.
This is a full v4 release, There are no major new features; the emphasis is on speed and memory improvements in the simulation engine.
Diagram tool behavior is a little more Vensim-like, with fewer clicks required to accomplish some tasks, and the toolbar now includes a pointer to clarify deselection of other tools.
This is a preliminary v4 release.
New features and improvements:
•Vector export of charts
•Slider moves in large models interrupt and restart the current simulation, reducing lag
•Bar charts
•Save sliders as a dataset
•Navigation history for moving forward-back through model diagrams
•"Select all" for savelists
•Action logging
•Diagram bounding box and selection improvements
•Navigation shortcuts for finding primary and aggregate variable nodes
•Navigation from Group (Diagram) icons
•More informative reference errors and warnings
•Automated arrow addition shortcut for existing equations
In addition, there are many minor usability enhancements and bug fixes.
This is a minor maintenance release.
•String functions for attribute initialization.
•Fixes license grace period.
•Improves consistency of computation when actions are triggered by random events at start of period.
•Reduces flicker in GIS visualization rendering.
•Provides control-drag for drawing initial arrows between stocks.
•Improves lat-lon defaults for GIS visualization with fixed coordinates.
•Improves some error messages.
This is a minor maintenance release, primarily addressing issues with the beta GIS visualization feature, and missing images in this documentation.
Defining Entity Types
•The ability to create and use Custom Macros has been added to Ventity! These macros can be useful for structures that commonly repeat within your model, and can be transferred between models.
Examining Results
•Added all-new GIS compatibility through completely redesigned Visualization. This new visualizer allows for the importing of shape and database files to creating dynamically updating and visual stimulating model runs. The new visualizer already has substantial capabilities, but we consider this a Beta feature, with more upgrades to come.
In addition, there are many small improvements and bug fixes to Autocomplete, Units Checking, Actions, and other core features.
Defining Entity Types
•Many improvements and bug fixes have been applied to Macros, specifically with interactions between them and Actions.
•Error tracking for Actions has been vastly improved.
•Model Encryption, which allows for obfuscating entity information and making encrypted models useable only with a valid license tied to, and visible to, the user alone has been added.
•Visualization is still deactivated in this release, however an early, functional version can be accessed which includes some of the entirely remade functionality. Contact us at info@ventity.biz to find out how to activate this mode if interested.
Defining Entity Types
•Adjusted formulas for built-in Macros, improved calculations, removed bugs, and clarified documentation.
•Vensim Model Import can better load and edit pre-defined macro definitions.
•Improvements to data loading should make consecutive model runs with internal and/or external data sources, much faster.
Examining Results
•Visualization (the spatial and X Y visualizers) have been deactivated in this release while we work on some big updates to them.
Feel free to reach out to us at info@ventity.biz if you're interested in this functionality.
Bug Fixes
•Clarified cause of errors recorded in log to aid in their identification and resolution.
•Fixes for data grid references.
For an overview of the recently added features, check out our post online by clicking here!
Defining Entity Types
•Improved text autocomplete in equation dialog box. Now lists most relevant suggestions first.
•Fixes and improvements to Lookup Table Functions.
Bug Fixes
•Various fixes to resolve issues with copy-paste, and crashes on collections diagrams.
Defining Entity Types
•Additional Lookup Table Functions added.
•Built-in macros Smooth, Delay added.
•Active Initialization, allowing for selecting order of initialization for specific variables, has been added.
•Vensim Model Import, enabling the integrating of Vensim models into Ventity automatically, has been added.
•Sensitivity runs have had their user interface improved and Save Period, a new feature of the Run Control, has been added.
Bug Fixes
•Improved units checking functionality for more complex equations.
•Improved diagram checking for causal link mismatch.
Defining Entity Types
•Many new Lookup Table Functions have been added to Ventity with automated error checking on model run.
•Improvements to optimization performance and resolved issues with multi-slider and optimization runs.
•Lookup Tables can now be edited within the built-in data.
Initializing Entities
•Built-in data interface behaves correctly with copying, pasting, and cutting data from internal or external sources into all of the various types of fields.
Bug Fixes
•Resolved numerous issues with optimization and sensitivity runs interacting with lookup tables and multi-chart, as well as various rare crashes.
•Improvements to the selection/deselection and tracking of the Entity Picker.
Examining Results
•Chart Manager has added features that allow for global settings to apply to all charts in addition to previous options to edit charts on an individual basis.
•Improvements to load speed for charts, especially for larger models.
Examining Results
•Chart Manager added to Ventity, allowing for easier tracking, saving and use of charts.
•Improvements to Causes and Uses Trees filtering functionality.
•Casual Tracing added to Ventity, useful for reviewing and making changes to improve your model.
•Improvements to Error List tracking for issues previously only displayed on console, including for missing attribute/reference combinations.
•New Run Roster added to Ventity to replace functionality of "Run Results". Allows for greater flexibility in saving and loading previously created runs.
Defining Entity Types
•New Functions, GetCategory and DelayInformation, added to Ventity!
•Sensitivity run processing vastly improved. Note: very large sets will still take some time to compute.
•Save List configuration and selection improved.
Bug Fixes
•Resolved several issues with renaming causing a crash.
Examining Results
•Several additional run types added to "Settings" of Sensitivity runs.
Examples and Help
•Adjusted Rabbits Viewer example model to be easier to use.
•Improved documentation of time series data
Bug Fixes
•Resolved several issues with renaming causing a crash.
Defining Entity Types
•Information on documenting entites to track authorship and legal data easily.
Examining Results
•Causes and Uses Tree tools added.
•Sensitivity runs added. (in development).