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Introduction to Ventity – Projects & Reuse

Our workshop from ISDC 2024 in Bergen is recorded below. This introduces modeling in Ventity, using a simple project model. It features the basic operations needed to build and run a model, as well as highlighting references and attributes, and reuse of structure an data. A .zip archive containing materials is available here: Ventity Intro

Introduction to Ventity Workshop – Agents

We’ve made our usual workshop content from ISDC 2022 permanently available on video. The latest is an Introduction to Ventity, featuring an interesting simple agent-based model: Materials and models used are in this archive: Ventity Intro – You may also be interested in other Ventity videos, particularly the shorter introduction in Doing Classic System

Doing Classic SD in Ventity

Ventity extends the System Dynamics paradigm with a number of features that enable dynamic cohorts, agents, networks and other hybrid simulation features. However, Ventity is pretty great for simple, aggregate dynamic models, too. You don’t need to know about its advanced features to put the entity architecture to good use by automating suites of policy

Community Coronavirus Model

This video explores a simple epidemic model, parameterized for a community confronting coronavirus. The video is in Vensim, but we’ve now translated the model to Ventity: Community corona There’s another copy at, where you can share comments. Also, check back here for updates to the model and a companion video, to be released

Vensim Import

This video covers Ventity’s features for importing Vensim models.0:00 – a quick overview of the import feature and how we think about it1:37 – importing a simple model of stock management18:05 – importing a more complex, subscripted competitive market model

Dynamic Simulation > Spreadsheets

This video explores the improvements possible when a complex spreadsheet model is translated into Vensim. The same insights apply with respect to Ventity, and in many cases Ventity’s flexible data infrastructure and dynamic cohort capabilities would provide further advantages.

Data science meets the bottom line

Ventity can be used to put big data in context, by incorporating the learnings from big data in simulations that account for organizational structure and finances. Ventity can also do data intensive simulation, with an architecture friendly to relational data and dynamically changing lists, optimization for calibration, and much more  on the road map.

What can you do with entities?

This video demonstrates the use of entities to: represent markets with sparse offerings and new product introductions, create new structure on the fly, from data or random events model multiple scenarios simultaneously for an aggregate infection model, model the same infection process on an agent based social network, and calibrate a function to time series