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Ventity 5 Release

Ventity 5 is now available with some great new features and many refinements. You can update here. Model Maps Maps show the relationships among entities, collections, and actions. You can create multiple maps to highlight particular features or focus on single entities. Perpetual Licensing We’ve moved away from the subscription model to a perpetual license.

Ventity 4.9 Release

Ventity 4.9.1 is now available from the download page (if you need a trial license) or the update page (if you don’t). 4.9.1 is a minor maintenance release that improves trapping and messages for generated code errors, fixes a file format issue with the 3D visualizer, and corrects a rare action issue. 4.9 is a

Ventity 4.8 Release

Release 4.8 is primarily an under-the-hood upgrade, with enhanced performance and functionality supporting use of large models in embedded systems. Contact us if this application is of interest. There are also bug fixes and minor usability improvements, including: Optimization setup improvements. Fix for issues with the undo/redo stack. Multi-slider interface improvements. Exclusion of system variables

Ventity 4.7 Release

This build contains a variety of improvements to interface and simulation engine components. New features include: · Circularity checking is now lest strict, to permit entitytypes to self-reference where hierarchies are useful, as in project or supply chain models. Potential circularities cause a user-controlled warning at compile time, and actual circularities cause a run-time error.

Ventity 4.6 Beta

The Ventity 4.6 beta is primarily an under-the-hood performance enhancement, with a few bug fixes and feature improvements as well. The primary feature enhancements are to Process List actions, making it easier to restrict the number of iterations, and much faster to make small randomized selections from large entity collections. This version is stable in

Ventity 4.5 Release

Ventity 4.5 is now available for download or upgrade. There are some further performance improvements over 4.4, as well as a few critical bug fixes to the Initial() and DelayInformation() functions. A number of minor bugs have been fixed as well, including the occasional tendency of autocomplete to delete left parentheses when adding variables to

Ventity 4.4 release

This is a full version 4 release. There are no major new features beyond the many introduced in the v4 beta. The emphasis is on speed and memory improvements in the simulation engine. Diagram tool behavior is a little more Vensim-like, with fewer clicks required to accomplish some tasks, and the toolbar now includes a

Ventity 4 beta release

This is a preliminary version 4 release. New features and improvements: Vector export of charts Slider moves in large models interrupt and restart the current simulation, reducing lag Bar charts Save sliders as a dataset Navigation history for moving forward-back through model diagrams “Select all” for savelists Action logging Macros Components Diagram bounding box and