Archive by Author

Community Coronavirus Model

This video explores a simple epidemic model, parameterized for a community confronting coronavirus. The video is in Vensim, but we’ve now translated the model to Ventity: Community corona There’s another copy at, where you can share comments. Also, check back here for updates to the model and a companion video, to be released

Ventity 3.0.2 Released

This is a minor maintenance release. Adds string functions for attribute initialization. Fixes license grace period. Improves consistency of computation when actions are triggered by random events at start of period. Reduces flicker in GIS visualization rendering. Provides control-drag for drawing initial arrows between stocks. Improves lat-lon defaults for GIS visualization with fixed coordinates. Improves

Ventity 3.0 Released

We’re pleased to announce the release of Ventity 3.0. There are many small improvements, plus two big new features: user-defined custom macros: and a visualizer for geospatial data: Check it out!

Vensim Import

This video covers Ventity’s features for importing Vensim models.0:00 – a quick overview of the import feature and how we think about it1:37 – importing a simple model of stock management18:05 – importing a more complex, subscripted competitive market model

Dynamic Simulation > Spreadsheets

This video explores the improvements possible when a complex spreadsheet model is translated into Vensim. The same insights apply with respect to Ventity, and in many cases Ventity’s flexible data infrastructure and dynamic cohort capabilities would provide further advantages.

Ventity 2.0.1 Released

We’ve been hard at work on the Ventity 2.0.1 release and wanted to highlight some of the new and improved features – it’s actually a significant upgrade – more of a “2.1” than the version number indicates. We’ve rebuilt the autocomplete text prompts in stocks, flows, auxiliaries and actions to list the variables linked on

Ventity Release 1.3

Ventity release 1.3 has arrived! Much of what’s new is under the hood, including big performance improvements and infrastructure to support deployment as a web service, with Forio support coming soon. There’s also a new architecture for lookup tables, with functions for extrapolation and finding the min, max, slope, and area under curves. The builtin

Ventity Release 1.0.2

Ventity is just getting better – release 1.0.2 is now available for evaluation and purchase. Download a copy now. Entity Picker Improvements The revised Entity Picker is much faster than the initial version, which makes it easier to analyze large populations of entities. You can easily pick out individuals, or slice collections by attributes, to