6. Use Related Entities' Information

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6. Use Related Entities' Information

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In the previous two exercies, we associated each cow with its pasture. We also calculated the total grass consumption in each pasture, by giving each pasture entity a reference to its particular collection of cows. In this run, we will make each cow entity aware of how much grass is left in its pasture, to prevent Ventity from giving cows more grass than the pasture can provide.


This exercise is featured along with the previous two exercises in this video:


Getting Started with Ventity - Relate Entities


Stages of Ventity™ Modeling

In this run, we will ...

Stage 1 - Define entity types
Design the kinds of entities


... change the cow entity type definition to use the grass available in each pasture as an input to how much grass each cow can eat.  

Stage 2 - Initialize the model
Specify how many entities and their individual characteristics


(No changes from previous run.)


Stage 3 - Run the model

Configure time settings and perform calculations


(No changes from previous run.)


Stage 4 - Examine results

See model behavior in graphs and tables


... see how the pasture information keeps each cow entity from eating negative grass, and each pasture from growing negative grass. Add a legend to charts and use the legend to control which data are shown or hidden.

This step will continue with the finished model from the previous run or, if you haven't completed that exercise yet, with the model Exercise 5 Complete found [here].


hmtoggle_arrow1Stage 1: Defining Entity Types


hmtoggle_arrow1Stage 2: Initialization


hmtoggle_arrow1Stage 3: Run the model


hmtoggle_arrow1Stage 4: Examine Results