3. Replicate Entities

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3. Replicate Entities

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In this third run of the Pasture model, you will convert your model of one pasture into a model of any number of pastures, as easily as adding and selecting lines to the initialization Input Data file.


A video of this exercise and the previous is available:


Getting Started with Ventity - Compare Runs


Stages of Ventity™ Modeling

In this run, we will ...

Stage 1 - Define entity types
Design the kinds of entities


(no changes from previous run)


Stage 2 - Initialize the model
Specify how many entities and their individual characteristics


We will see how to add pastures to the model simply by adding lines to the input data.


Stage 3 - Run the model

Configure time settings and perform calculations


(no changes from previous run)


Stage 4 - Examine results

See model behavior in graphs and tables


We will use the scenario entity overview to add or remove pastures from the line graph.

As before, you can pick up where you left off at the end of Exercise 2, or you can open the Exercise 2 Complete model from the [here], choose "Save As..." from the File Menu, and save the model as Exercise 3.


hmtoggle_arrow1Stage 1: Defining Entity Types


hmtoggle_arrow1Stage 2: Initialization


hmtoggle_arrow1Stage 3: Run the model



hmtoggle_arrow1Stage 4: Examine Results