Ventity is software for modeling dynamic systems. It combines a friendly, pretty interface with the power of modular entities, data-friendly architecture and dynamic model structure changes.


Some features & applications of Ventity:

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  • Modular Entities

    This video demonstrates the use of entities to: represent markets with sparse offerings and new product introductions, create new structure on the fly, from data or random events model multiple scenarios simultaneously for an aggregate infection model, model the same infection process on an agent based social network, and calibrate a function to time series

  • Interactive Charting

    You can pop up a chart on any variable in a diagram or list from a context menu. Charts feature smart scaling, brushing for values and legends, and drilldown, all a right-click away.

  • Data-Friendly Architecture

    Ventity fits relational and ad hoc data sources naturally, because it represents detail with collections of entities rather than arrays. You can enter data easily, with convenient builtin tables or spreadsheet links.


We invite you to read about recent releases and other news:

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  • Ventity 4.9 Release

    Ventity 4.9.1 is now available from the download page (if you need a trial license) or the update page (if you don’t). 4.9.1 is a minor maintenance release that improves trapping and messages for generated code errors, fixes a file format issue with the 3D visualizer, and corrects a rare action issue. 4.9 is a

  • What’s New 2022?

    News on Vensim and Ventity from our User Group/Demo session at the 2022 System Dynamics Conference:

  • Introduction to Ventity Workshop

    We’ve made our usual workshop content from ISDC 2022 permanently available on video. The latest is an Introduction to Ventity, featuring an interesting simple agent-based model: Materials and models used are in this archive: Ventity Intro – You may also be interested in other Ventity videos, particularly the shorter introduction in Doing Classic System