8. Change Attribute Values

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8. Change Attribute Values

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In this run, we will use actions to move cows from one pasture to another by changing the value of the "pasture" attribute.




Stages of Ventity™ Modeling

In this run, we will ...

Stage 1 - Define entity types
Design the kinds of entities


Modify the cow entity type to include an action that will change the cow's pasture assignment.  


Stage 2 - Initialize the model
Specify how many entities and their individual characteristics


No change from the previous run.  


Stage 3 - Run the model

Configure time settings and perform calculations


No change from the previous run.


Stage 4 - Examine results

See model behavior in graphs and tables


Look at numbers of cows in each pasture to see the effect of the action.



hmtoggle_arrow1Stage 1: Defining Entity Types


hmtoggle_arrow1Stage 2: Initialization


hmtoggle_arrow1Stage 3: Run the model


hmtoggle_arrow1Stage 4: Examine Results