Exercises - Start Here

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Exercises - Start Here

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The Ventity™ modeling environment enables you to simulate interactions among individual objects called entities. You will usually use Ventity in a sequence of four stages.


1. Define the types of entities that will exist in your model by providing the equations that will determine their behavior.

2. Initialize a simulation by specifying how many entities of each type will start off in the model, and their individual characteristics.

3. Simulate the behavior of the entities in the model. .

4. Examine the results.

This first section uses the simplest models we could think of to illustrate how to create, relate and evolve entities in your simulations. These exercises, and what you'll learn from each, are:




Ventity Skill


... Or just see the movie


Simulate grass growing in a pasture.

Create diagrams of variables .

Getting Started with Ventity - Relate Entities


Change the initial grass height.

Set initial characteristics of an entity, and compare two simulations.

Getting Started with Ventity - Compare Runs


Simulate many pastures simultaneously.

Set initial numbers of entities and choose entities to display in output.


Add cows to the pastures.

Use attributes both to specify relationships between entities, and to define groups of entities for display.

Getting Started with Ventity - Relate Entities


Calculate total grass consumption by pasture.

Use attributes to define subcollections, and use aggregate variables to calculate totals for each subcollection.


Limit cows' grass consumption to what's available in each pasture.

Use references to allow one entity (a cow) to use information from a related entity (its pasture) in its calculations, and use a live legend to control chart output.


Set cows to arrive at preset times during the simulation.

Import entity type definitions from other models, use input data files to set time of entry, and use tables to view results.


Move cows among pastures in a predetermined pattern.

Use command actions to change properties of entities.



Add or remove cows from the simulation, depending on pasture conditions.

Use create actions and self-delete actions to create and delete entities dynamically.




The exercise models, along with other example models, are usually installed in your Documents (or My Documents) folder under Ventity Projects\Sample Projects.

Read-only backups of the sample models are installed in C:\Users\Public\Documents\Ventity Projects\Sample Projects.